Serial Port and Device Information
Note: The cabling in use determines which serial ports and devices are compatible with the field computer.
Raven field computers feature serial ports to connect to other devices. The field computer can display information about the serial port and devices connected to the port.
View Serial Port Information
To access serial port information:
- Select Settings on the bottom left of the Home screen. The Settings Menu will open.
- Select Serial Port on the Settings menu. The Serial Ports - Port A window will open.
Note: Information for the Serial Port such as Baud Rate, Stop Bits, Parity, TX, and RX will display.
- If needed, select Detect Device to update the information.
- To access information on other serial ports, select the desired Port from the left side of the window.
- Select Accept to save the displayed settings and return to the Settings menu.
View Serial Device Information
The ROS device provides a list of detected serial devices connected to the system. To review the serial devices currently detected by the ROS device:
Select the Settings icon on the bottom right of the screen. The Settings Menu will open.
Locate and select the Serial Devices module. The Serial Devices tab will display. This tab will show the following information for each detected device:
serial device name
automatic or user configured communication settings
current active communication (COM) port
the input baud rate at which the ROS device is attempting to communicate with the device
Note: The COM port displayed on the Serial Devices tab does not reflect the cable connector label to which the device may be connected.
Redetect the serial devices if new devices are connected, or if an existing device connection is changed for any reason. Refer to Redetect a Serial Device for more information on detecting/redetecting serial devices.
Last Revised: Jul 2024