Configure Weather Station Devices in ROS

Note:  The cabling in use determines which serial ports and devices are compatible with the field computer.

The ROS device is compatible with the WatchDog® Sprayer Station from Spectrum Technologies to record weather data during a field operation. When connected to ROS, the Sprayer Station may be used to display weather conditions throughout the day during field operations. The operator can also take a “snapshot” of weather conditions at any point during the operation and ROS will automatically add the information to the job or application report.

Note:  A weather station activation code will be required to unlock the weather station interface and features. Contact a local Raven dealer for additional information or assistance.

To set up the weather station:

  1. Select the Settings icon on the bottom right of the screen. The Settings Menu will open.

  2. Select the Weather Station module. The Weather Station Settings tab will display with the following settings:

    Record Weather Snapshot

    During an active job, touch and hold the Weather Station widget to view detailed weather conditions currently monitored by the station. Touch the Record Snapshot button at the bottom of the Weather Station prompt to record the current conditions into the job report screen.

    Refer to End a Job for additional assistance with closing job files and editing weather information.

Last Revised: Jul 2024

“WatchDog® Sprayer Station is a U.S. registered trademark of Spectrum Technologies”