Enable GPS Reverse Sensing

The GPS reverse sensing feature may been enabled if the ROS device will be used to map application or field coverage where the vehicle may be traveling in reverse (i.e. backing into corners). To allow the ROS device to automatically detect when the vehicle is traveling in a reverse direction:

  1. Select the Settings icon on the bottom right of the screen. The Settings Menu will open.
  2. Locate and select the GPS module. The GPS Global Settings prompt will display.

  3. Select the GPS Diagnostics button to the right of the desired GPS receiver. The GPS Solution Information page will be displayed.

  4. Select the GPS Reverse Sensing option at the bottom of the GPS Solution Information page to toggle the reverse sensing feature.

    Note:  The GPS based reverse sensing feature is not available if a Raven SmarTrax steering node with terrain compensation capabilities is detected on the CANbus and the Terrain Compensation feature on the node is activated.

    When reverse movement is detected during field operations, the device will maintain the vehicle indicator orientation when the system detects that the machine is moving in reverse.

    Note:  If this feature is disabled, the guidance display will assume all vehicle motion is in the forward direction.

    When the reverse sensing feature is enabled, ROS may require the operator to manually override the current direction of travel during field operations. Before beginning field operations, review Widget Descriptions and Configure Widget Layouts and ensure that the appropriate widgets for this feature are available on the guidance screen(s) as appropriate.

    The Forward Override widget is required to manually override the direction of travel during a field operation.

Last Revised: Jul 2024