Pre-Planning: Adjust Field Boundary and Lines

Pre-planning allows the user to adjust the field boundary and lines that are created based on the boundary.

Note:  Pre-planning must be selected.

  1. Select the Fields icon in the top right corner of the Home screen.

  2. Choose the desired field and select Field Management.

  3. Select Operations Planning.

    Note:  If needed, select Field Recording to create a field boundary to use for operations planning. A screen similar to the Run screen will open but will not apply product.

  4. Select Pre Planning.
  5. Select the desired boundary.
  6. Select Next. The Edit Corners page will open.

  7. If a corner is missing, select Add Corner.
  8. Select the location on the screen for the new corner. If needed, use the zoom controls to zoom in on the desired segment of the field boundary. The Adjust Corner page will open.
  9. Each corner is assigned a letter designation. Select Edit by the desired corner in the Edit Corners list. Move the Adjust Corner Detection Radius slider until the edge of the corner has the desired radius or use the arrow buttons to move the corner.

    Note:  Corners created via corner flags cannot be adjusted or moved if they are placed at the beginning or end of a curve. Refer to Create a Field Boundary with Corner Flags for more information on corner flags.

  10. Select Accept to accept the corner changes or use the Left and Right arrows to cycle through the rest of the corners.
  11. Select Next. The Edit Baselines page will open. Each line is assigned a letter. For each baselineClosed In RTK correction systems, the baseline is the range between the base and rover. A maximum baseline defines the range between the base and the rover before RTK corrections begin to lose precision. Alternatively in some Raven field computers, a baseline is a segment of a boundary that can be used to create guidance lines and application zones., select if the baselineClosed In RTK correction systems, the baseline is the range between the base and rover. A maximum baseline defines the range between the base and the rover before RTK corrections begin to lose precision. Alternatively in some Raven field computers, a baseline is a segment of a boundary that can be used to create guidance lines and application zones. is a Straight or Contour.

    Note:  Baselines created via corner flags cannot be adjusted between straight or contour. Refer to Create a Field Boundary with Corner Flags for more information on corner flags.

    Note:  Changes to baselines will affect the field boundary used when running the plan.

  12. Baselines can be joined together by selecting the desired baselines and selecting Join lines with a straight or contoured line. To separate previously joined baselines, select Split lines.

    Note:  There must be at least three valid baselines at all times. Baselines cannot be joined if it will result in less than three baselines.

  13. To change a baselineClosed In RTK correction systems, the baseline is the range between the base and rover. A maximum baseline defines the range between the base and the rover before RTK corrections begin to lose precision. Alternatively in some Raven field computers, a baseline is a segment of a boundary that can be used to create guidance lines and application zones. from a contoured line to a straight line, select the button next to the baselineClosed In RTK correction systems, the baseline is the range between the base and rover. A maximum baseline defines the range between the base and the rover before RTK corrections begin to lose precision. Alternatively in some Raven field computers, a baseline is a segment of a boundary that can be used to create guidance lines and application zones. name in the Edit Baselines list.
  14. Select Accept.

Last Revised: Mar 2025