CRX File Manager Overview

The File Manager allows the user to sort and move files. If the file is currently located on a USB stick, connect to the USB port on the back of the CRX. The following actions are available through the File Manager:

File Types

The table below shows available file types on the CRX.

For a comprehensive list of file types, their extension type, and where they are typically located when saved to a USB stick, see USB Import and Export File Types

Icon File Type Description

All Files

Select this to select all of the files stored on the device or on the installed USB memory stick.


Backup files can be saved on the CRX or moved to a USB port. These files can include backups of machine configurations, GFFClosed Grower, Farm, Field information, and jobs.

Crop Registration This icon indicates the file type is a .csv file meant for importation. Possible types include Product List or Reference Map.
ECUClosed Electronic Control Unit Profile This icon indicates the file type is a RS1™/SC1™/TC1™ machine profile.

Field Data

Select this to view/move field data files.

Guidance Line

This icon indicates the file type is a guidance line.


This icon indicates that the file type is a job file.

Prescription MapClosed Variable Rate Application utilizes a prescription (Rx) map for a given field and product to automatically adjust the rate of application based upon the target rate zones within the field. The .shp, .shx, and .dbf files required to create a shapefile prescription map must be in a polygon shape format that complies with the ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute) shapefile specifications and must also be in the WGS (World Geodetic System) 84 datum.

This icon indicates the file is a prescription mapClosed Variable Rate Application utilizes a prescription (Rx) map for a given field and product to automatically adjust the rate of application based upon the target rate zones within the field. The .shp, .shx, and .dbf files required to create a shapefile prescription map must be in a polygon shape format that complies with the ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute) shapefile specifications and must also be in the WGS (World Geodetic System) 84 datum. either create for, or downloaded to, the CRX.

Scouted Object

This icon indicates that the file type is a scouted object which includes Field Boundaries, Zones, Lines and Flags.

Street Maps

This icon indicates that there is a Street Map available for download to the CRX.

USB Import and Export File Types

Function Import Type Export Type Typical USB Location


.kws (AreaFeature.shp, LineFeature.shp, Boundary.shp)



SBGuidance Fields




ISO Tasks








Cruizer Flags



/WorkOrders/Jobs/{Job Dir}/*.jdf (.zone, .inj, .fld, .fcp, .com)

Cruizer Flags



/Coverage_Maps/{Job Dir}/logs/scout.dat





ECUClosed Electronic Control Unit Profile /*.prf /*.prf /Raven/ECUClosed Electronic Control Unit/Profiles/*.prf

ePro Line







/Raven/GFFClosed Grower, Farm, Field/{Grower Name}/ {Farm Name}/{Field Name}*.fld

Field Extent



GFFClosed Grower, Farm, Field/{Grower Name}/ {Farm Name}/{Field Name}/*.shp (.shx, .dbf, .prj)

/Raven/GFFClosed Grower, Farm, Field/{Grower Name}/ {Farm Name}/{Field Name}/*.shp (.shx, .dbf, .prj)

Firmware 500S




Firmware 600S





Firmware CAN











Multi Boundary



GFFClosed Grower, Farm, Field/{Grower Name}/ {Farm Name}/{Field Name}/*shp (.shx, .dbf, .prj)

Raven/GFFClosed Grower, Farm, Field/{Grower Name}/ {Farm Name}/*.shp (.shx, .dbf, .prj)

Prescription MapClosed Variable Rate Application utilizes a prescription (Rx) map for a given field and product to automatically adjust the rate of application based upon the target rate zones within the field. The .shp, .shx, and .dbf files required to create a shapefile prescription map must be in a polygon shape format that complies with the ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute) shapefile specifications and must also be in the WGS (World Geodetic System) 84 datum.

/*.shp (.shx, .dbf, .prj)

/rsmap/*.shp (.shx, .dbf, .prj)

/rpmaps/*shp (.shx, .dbf, .prj)

/*.shp (.shx, .dbf, .prj)

/Raven/GFFClosed Grower, Farm, Field/{Grower Name}/ {Farm Name}/{Field Name}/RxMaps/*.shp (.shx, .dbf, .prj)

Product /*.csv   /*.csv

ROS Line



/Raven/GFFClosed Grower, Farm, Field/{Grower Name}/ {Farm Name}/{Field Name}/scoutRoot/{ScoutGroup}/*id

Scouted Object




Street Map





Trimble Boundary



/AgGPS/Data/{Grower Name}/ {Farm Name}/{Field Name}/Boundary.shp

Trimble Swaths



/AgGPS/Data/{Grower Name}/ {Farm Name}/{Field Name}/Swaths.shp





Last Revised: Jul 2024