Guidance Lines and Patterns Description

Note:  Some features detailed on this page are not available in every Raven field computer. Your field computer may not include all options listed below.

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Straight (AB) Line

The Straight (A-B) Line pattern is well suited for operations within rectangular fields and straight swaths.

The straight line, or parallel, pattern is created by drawing a straight line through two user defined points (A and B). After A and B points are set, the field computer uses the programmed equipment width and the original path to calculate parallel guidance paths for the rest of the coverage area.




The Pivot pattern is designed to provide guidance within a field with a center pivot, or circle, irrigation system.

The pivot pattern is created using two user defined points on the circumference, or swath furthest from the irrigation hub, of the field area. The pivot pattern does not require the entire circumference of the field to be driven before beginning guidance; however, best results are generally achieved by driving further along the initial swath when creating a pivot guidance pattern.



Fixed Contour

The Fixed Contour pattern is ideal for creating and saving swaths which follow irregular field boundaries, waterways, well heads, etc., or where the ability to skip swaths in an irregular pattern is necessary.

The fixed contour pattern is created by setting the first, or “A,” point and driving the first full swath before setting the second, or “B,” point. The field computer will then connect points recorded along the first swath and displays the fixed contour path.

As long as the fixed contour pattern is active and the original path is available, the field computer will use the initial swath and programmed equipment width to calculate contours for the rest of the coverage area nearest path regardless of previous application history or coverage mapping.

Note:  Curvature of the fixed contour guidance path should not be too aggressive. Overly aggressive curves may produce undesirable results. Always be aware of sharp turns when using the fixed contour pattern if an assisted steering system such as Raven SmarTrax system is engaged. Contact a local Raven dealer for more information about Raven assisted steering systems.



Last Pass

Last Pass is best used for applying around the headlands of a field, in U shaped areas, and circular patterns. Last Pass creates a guidance path based on previous coverage in a field. Every two seconds, last pass searches for a piece of coverage (previously applied area) in order to maintain the guidance path.



Multiple Guidance Lines


Multi-Line Coverage

Multi-line coverage is a guidance pattern type in which multiple already created guidance lines are loaded in at the same time. When loaded, the guidance system will attempt to lock onto a nearby line and steer the machine to the detected line until the user attempts to steer to an alternative line.

If multi-line is selected, it is recommended to check the box next to the “Show extra lines” option. This shows the multiple lines of coverage. The guidance pattern should switch automatically, but the user can manually switch the guidance pattern by using the rightmost option in the selection group.

Each line in the multi-line file has an associated line number determined from the file. The swath count widget displays the associated line number of the currently tracked line.

Note:  Multi-line files are shape files (.shp and .shx) which can be imported from a USB thumb drive using the same method as other guidance line types. For more information on importing files from a USB thumb drive, see Import Guidance Lines.


Guidance Set

A guidance set is a collection of AB, A+, and contour guidance lines. This can assist in organizing guidance lines and enables smart switching with the Line Switch widget. Refer to EasySwath for more information on switching guidance lines with the Line Switch widget.



Last Pass Swathing


Note:  Last Pass Swathing (Last Pass 2) is not meant for headlands, U-shaped areas, or circular patterns. Use the Last Pass pattern for these situations.

Last Pass Swathing is used when making passes back and forth across a field. After turning roughly 30 to 45 degrees, it assumes the machine is turning around for the next swath in the field. A dynamic fixed contour line is created after a turn, which enables the guidance path and the machine to hold tighter to the previous coverage. The line is also extended out approximately 40 meters at the beginning and end to help with leading in and out of the headlands. These line extensions also help auto-steering by allowing the machine to acquire the line earlier. The line will not disappear as long as the center of the machine is within 1/2 of a swath width. After 1/2 of a swath width, it will search for another piece of good coverage. The refresh button can be used to clear the line and cause guidance to search for another good piece of coverage. For example, use the refresh button when switching from making north/south passes to making east/west passes. Driving 1/2 of a swath width away from the current line will also work in this situation.

Note:  Using the refresh button or driving 1/2 of a swath width away from the line will not create the line extensions. The line extensions will not display until the following pass.



Round Trip


Create a guidance line based off of the field boundary. Includes the option to set the count of alternative lines that will be generated from the boundary, as well as the offset of the first alternative line.

Last Revised: Jul 2024