Street Maps
Street maps provides an aerial map view of an area along with available field boundaries in the area. To open street maps, select the Street Maps icon. A window will open showing the street view as well as field boundaries (shown in blue) in the area.
Before using street maps, a map must be downloaded from the Slingshot® portal.
The downloaded map will only show the area selected by the user (in mile radius) and does not automatically update based on location. Since street maps is offline, it will only show areas imported to the field computer.
To download Street Maps:
Select the Manage drop-down from the top of the page then select Street Maps.
Select a location on the map. This will create a center point for map creation. At any time, if desired, select a different center point.
Use the Size slider bar to increase or decrease the map size. The map size (tile size) is measured in miles square.
For example, a map that is ten miles wide by ten miles long will be 100 square miles.
The latitude and longitude of the center point will display after choosing the center point.
Note: If the coordinates of the center point location are known, the user can enter the coordinates into the latitude and longitude, and the Street Maps will create the center point.
Enter a name for the map.
Note: Having “Street Map” or “Map” as part of the name will make it easier to identify the file as a Street Map when in File Manager.
Select Create. The map name will display on the left side of the screen. If desired, select the map name to view the download status. The display status “Processing” indicate the map is getting ready for download. “Ready to Download” indicates the map is ready to download.
Select Ready to Download to download the map.
Select Save.
Navigate to the desired save location on the computer or on the USB.
If desired, press the filter in the top left corner of the map to filter visible field boundaries by grower, farm, field, or job type. The field boundaries can also be filtered by most recent, name, etc.
Use the magnifying glass icons to zoom in or out on the map.
Press the arrow icon in the lower left corner of the screen to either have the map follow the machine or be able to pan and navigate around the map.
On the map, field boundaries will be visible as blue shapes on the screen. Pressing the desired job will highlight the field boundary and open a window with a list of available jobs for that field boundary.
Select the desired job to start an existing job or press Start Job to start a new job.
If there are multiple field boundaries in the area that have overlapping boundaries, select the desired area. A window will open that shows the available field boundaries in the selected area. Select the desired field boundary then select the desired job.
Last Revised: Jul 2024