Boom Settings

To navigate to any of the following boom settings:

  1. Select the Settings icon. The Machine Settings page will open.

  2. Select the desired boom setting button or use the drop-down list to select the desired boom setting.

Boom Configurations

The Boom Configuration window allows the user to adjust the Center Rack Width, enable or disable Center Rack Control, and enable or disable the variable damper system. If the Center Rack Control checkbox is blank, the system will not automatically raise or lower the center rack based upon height sensor readings.

Boom Tuning

Boom tuning displays boom settings based on machine configuration (Make, Model, Boom Width) options selected during initial calibration. If needed, the user can adjust Speed to Duty Cycle, Down Speed Ratio, Base Duty Cycle, Height Deadband, and PID gain settings. Use the Boom Gains and Boom Speed Tuning buttons to toggle between the two screens.

Note:  Selecting the Reset Tuning or Reset Gains buttons only reset the values displayed on that page. The values are reset to defaults specific to your machine Make, Model, and Boom Width.

Refer to Advanced Tuning for additional information on these settings.

Note:  If the Machine Make is set to RoGator, there is an additional value displayed on the Boom Tuning window. This value called Operation Zone prevents AutoBoom® XRT from being switched to Auto mode if the center rack is too high and center rack control is disabled. This is necessary due to the unique configuration on these machines that prevents the center rack from rotating when the center mast is raised against the transport stops. This feature may be disabled by entering a 0 in this field. The Operation Zone can be recalibrated by performing an AutoBoom® XRT Fold Calibration. Refer to Machine Calibrations for assistance with completing this calibration.

Fold Tuning

Fold Tuning displays fold settings based on machine configuration (Make, Model, Boom Width) options selected during initial calibration. If needed, the user can adjust Sensitivity, Base Duty Cycle, and the Min/Max values.

  1. Sensitivity can be set independently for Up/In and Down/Out. Higher sensitivities correspond to faster movements during manual boom movement.

  2. Base Duty Cycle (Lift Only) is the Duty Cycle required to hold the booms level/stationary. Changing this value does not effect the equivalent value for AutoBoom® XRT.

  3. Min and Max values set the maximum and minimum duty cycle that will be applied to the specified joint when the system is AutoFolding In or Out. The Min/Max values do not affect manual folding operations.

    Note:  These settings are only available for boom joints that have proportional hydraulic cartridges.

Last Revised: Jul 2024