Use Analog Video

Note:  This feature is only available on CR12®+.

This topic describes how to configure and operate the analog video widget from the Run screen. For how to configure analog video settings from the Settings menu, see Configure Analog Video.

The analog video widget allows viewing of up to four analog cameras in real-time while in a job. The designated rear view camera will automatically activate when in reverse.

See Add Widgets to place the Analog Video widget on the Run screen.

Configure Analog Video

To configure and use the analog video functions after placing the widget on the Run screen:

  1. Select and hold the Analog Video widget on the Run screen. The widget settings window will open.
  2. Up to four analog cameras will display. If desired, click on Camera 1-4 to rename the cameras.
  3. Use the directional arrows to assign each camera to one of the numbers listed on the left side of the screen.

    Note:  Only one camera can be viewed at a time within a job.

  4. If desired, assign one of the four cameras to the automatic rear view camera. This camera will automatically turn on when the machine is in reverse.

Operate Analog Video

To view a real-time analog camera while in a job:

  1. Short-press the Analog Video widget. The widget will expand.
  2. Select which camera to view by selecting the assigned number of the desired camera.

    Note:  If an analog camera is assigned to the automatic rear view camera, the video feed will automatically change to the assigned rear view camera when the machine is in reverse.

Last Revised: Mar 2025