Run Screen Overview

The image below is an example of a CRX+ Run screen. This section provides basic information on Run screen layout and widgets.

Run Screen Icons

There are many side bar icons available on the Run screen. The table below shows the widget image as well as a brief description of function. Run screen configuration will vary by device and settings.


Icon Name Description
System Status Box Displays the current local time and status of steering, remote support, GPS connectivity, and Slingshot® connectivity. Tap the box to access remote support, GPS settings, and Slingshot® settings.
Speed & Heading Box Displays the current machine speed and direction heading. Tap the box to view current altitude.
Coverage & Job Time Box Displays the amount of coverage applied to the current field and the total time spent running in the job. Tap the box to view the distance to the next swath.


Icon Name Description

AB Contour/Curve

Indicates that the currently selected line is an AB Contour/Curve.

A+ Heading Straight

Enter a GPS heading.

Line Swap Switch the selected guidance line, and toggle on/off line swap suggestions and EasySwath.

AB Straight

Indicates that the currently selected line is a straight AB guidance line.

Guidance Lines

Start or load a new guidance line.

Last Pass

Create a Last Pass line with this widget.


Create an pivot guidance line with this widget.

Roundtrip Create a guidance line based off of the field boundary. Includes the option to set the count of alternative lines that will be generated from the boundary, as well as the offset of the first alternative line.

Side Bar

Icon Name Description
Layers Toggle layers that are generated to display information about direction, velocity, altitude, or product maps of coverage. See Use Layers.

Scouting Object

Provides information on existing scouting features and creating scout features. See CRX+ Scouting Objects.

Widget Menu

Select or remove widgets displayed on the run screen or edit the widget layout.

Map Control

Icon Name Description

Zoom In

Zoom into the Run screen map.

Zoom Out

Zoom out on the Run screen map.

3D Toggle

Toggle to the 3D down-field view of the Run screen during active field operations.

2D Toggle

Toggle to the 2D over-head view of the Run screen during active field operations.

Center to Vehicle

Adjust the map so the vehicle is in the center.


CRX+ offers additional tools, in the form of widgets, that may be placed on the run screen. Refer to the following table for a brief overview of the widgets available for use during in-field operations.

Widget Name Function

Add Point of Interest

Provides the option to place a marker flag on the CRX+ run screen.


Displays the machine elevation.

Analog Video

Allows for view of multiple analog cameras for real-time vision while in a job. See Use Analog Video.

Note:  This feature is not available on CR7®+.

Auto Turn Enables automatic headland turning, allowing the machine to automatically turn itself to the next determined swath when approaching boundaries. See Auto Turn.

Crop Registration

Displays information of the current product and allows the user to switch between other products.

Day/Night Switch

Changes the color scheme of the display.

Distance to Border Displays the distance from the front of the machine to the nearest boundary (on top) and the distance to the nearest headland (on bottom). Select and hold the widget on the run screen to choose to display the distance to border, distance to headland, or both.

Guidance Width Status

Displays the actual guidance width.

ISO Generic

Provides generic information from a connected ISO device.

ISO UTClosed A Universal Terminal (formerly Virtual Terminal) is an electronic display or console capable of interfacing with ECUs on an ISOBUS network.

Displays the ISO Universal Terminal (UTClosed A Universal Terminal (formerly Virtual Terminal) is an electronic display or console capable of interfacing with ECUs on an ISOBUS network.) on top of the run screen.

Job Info

Displays information about the current job such as boundary area, unapplied boundary area, and unapplied non-headland area.

Last Pass Refresh

Refreshes the last pass line when an updated is needed.

Layer Value Legend Displays information about the currently selected layer. See Use Layers.

Master Switch

Indicates if the master switch is on (green) or off (red). See Configure Master Switch.

Object PoolClosed The user interface for a system or feature connected to an ISOBUS UT. Toggle

Switches between ISO UTClosed A Universal Terminal (formerly Virtual Terminal) is an electronic display or console capable of interfacing with ECUs on an ISOBUS network. screens if there are multiple ISO devices.

Product Assignment

Assigns a different product to the selected coverage.

Product Rate

Adjusts the product rate.

Product Select

Selects different products.

Section Status

Selects the best option for displaying configured sections. Available at various widths.

Seed Plot

Displays additional information about the current and upcoming seed plot.

Steering Status

Steering is engaged.

Implement Disk Angle

Displays actual position of the discs/wheels.

Side- Shift

Displays actual position of the side-shift cylinder.

Swath Number Status

Shows the swath number. Depending on configuration, it will display either relative or absolute.


Provides access to easily turn sections on or off. See Use Switchbox.

Note:  CRX+ supports Windows Mask widget. When an ISO node has Windows Masks, they will appear at the bottom of the widget list.

Add Widgets

To add/change the widgets visible on the Run screen:

  1. Select the Widget Menu button.
  2. Select the Add button to add a new widget layout, or select the Edit button to edit an existing widget layout.

    Note:  Widget layouts can be saved as custom widget profiles, allowing the user to save different combinations and orientations of widgets for different kinds of jobs or applications.

  3. Select or deselect the desired widget(s) to display on the Run screen.
    Adding a widget will enter the widget Layout Mode. In the Layout Mode, the user may move widgets around as desired to customize the display of information on the run screen.

    Note:  Use the Enable Snapping option to prevent new widgets from covering up previously added widgets on the Run screen.

  4. Select Accept in the lower right corner to return to the Run screen and resume normal in-field operation and application controls.

Widget Options

Several widgets offer additional settings or options accessible on the run screen directly through the widget. Select and hold a widget to display a settings prompt for the specific widget.

Last Revised: Mar 2025