Use Layers

Layers can offer a view of specific information of applied coverage, such as driving direction, velocity, altitude, or product information.

See Edit Widget View to place a widget on the Run screen.

Enable a Layer from the Current Job

  1. Select the Layer Tab icon from the Run screen sidebar. The layer sidebar will open.
  2. Select the Direction, Velocity, Altitude, or Product Map checkbox to select which layer to show.

    Note:  Altitude or velocity cannot be activated simultaneously.

  3. The layer will automatically load on coverage.

    Note:  To delete a layer, select the Trash button next to it. The layer will not be permanently deleted and can be reactivated at any time.

Enable a Layer from a Previous Job

  1. Select the Layer icon from the Run screen sidebar. The layer sidebar will open.
  2. Select Add in the upper right corner of the Active Layers sidebar.
  3. Select the Direction, Velocity, Altitude, or Product Map checkbox to select which layer to show. A list of jobs in the current field will show.

    Note:  The current, active job will be marked with a green circle next to the job name.

  4. Select the desired previous job. The layer will automatically load on coverage.

    Note:  To delete a layer, select the Trash button next to it. The layer will not be permanently deleted and can be reactivated at any time.

Last Revised: Jul 2024