Installation Overview
Review the Important Safety Information and Recommendations and Best Practices before starting any machine installation.
The Intended Purpose for Raven Cart Automation™ is in-field use only during the unload process on straight swaths.
Review and complete the installation procedures on the tractor on which the Raven Cart Automation™ system will be installed:
Note: Click the links below for more detailed steps to complete the installation on your tractor.
Review and complete the installation procedures on the combine on which the Raven Cart Automation™ system will be installed:
Note: Click the links below for more detailed steps to complete the installation on your combine or harvester.
Proceed to the field provisioning procedures to configure the Raven Cart Automation™ system and link the tractor, and combine which will be present for field operations. Refer to the Field Provisioning Overview for additional assistance with starting the field provisioning procedures.
Tractor Requirements
Pro1200/IntelliView Display
AFS3/PLM3 Vector Pro Receiver with RTK
Real-time Kinematic or RTK+ high level accuracy or AFS3 medium level accuracy. The converged accuracy must be less than 10 cm [4 in] or less. All vehicles should be using the same datum.
- minimum software requirement or higher
Tractor Software Unlocks
ISO Class 3 Base Steering
ISO Class 3 Base Speed
Display/PCM - minimum software requirement or higher
UCM Software based on model
CCH Version Numbers
UCM2 Magnum/T8 CVT - minimum software requirement or higher
UCM2 Magnum/T8 FPS - minimum software requirement or higher
UCM3B Magnum/T8 CVT - minimum software requirement or higher
UCM3B Magnum/T8 FPS - minimum software requirement or higher
4WD Version Numbers
UCM2 Steiger/T9 CVT - minimum software requirement or higher
UCM2 Steiger/T9 FPS - minimum software requirement or higher
UCM3B Steiger/T9 CVT - minimum software requirement or higher
UCM3B Steiger/T9 FPS - minimum software requirement or higher
DEC Software Requirements
Steiger/T9 FPS - minimum software requirement or higher
CCH FPS 18/19 Speed - minimum software requirement or higher
CCH FPS 21 Speed - minimum software requirement or higher
RCU Software Version
RS Lite Software Version
Raven Cart Automation™ Aftermarket Kit
Raven Field Hub (optional)
Combine Requirements
Pro700/IntelliView IV Display
Corrections - Pro 700 RTX datum is hard coded in the Trimble 372. Even if the datum is changed in the display it does not change the actual datum.
Pro700/Intelliview IV - Display version 34 or higher is recommended.
For platforms not yet approved for this display software, v32.6 should be used.
- Trimble Nav-900 Controller (392) or a Trimble 372 Receiver with high or medium level accuracy.
Trimble Nav-900 Controller (392) minimum software requirement or higher
Trimble 372 Receiver - minimum software requirement or higher
AFS/PLM 372 or 392 Receiver with RTK, or RTX - Both vehicles should be using the same RTK/RTX network
Note: An adapter cable is needed for the 392 receiver (P/N 115-0172-668).
RCU Software Version
RS Lite Software Version
Raven Cart Automation™ Aftermarket Kit
Last Revised: Oct 2024